Thursday, January 31, 2013

What Must A Pastor Be?

What must a pastor be?

He must be a man of faith, but how is his faith defined?
He must be a man of joy, but how is his joy defined?
He must be a man of convictions, but how are his convictions defined?
He must be a man of humility, but how is his humility defined?
He must be a man of gentle care, but how is his gentleness defined?
He must be a man who loves God,  but how is his God defined?
He must be a man of the gospel, but where is his gospel defined?

A pastor must be a man who knows, loves, and obeys the Bible.

Apart from the Bible, his "faith" may be fantasy.
Apart from the Bible, his "joy" may be amusement.
Apart from the Bible, his "convictions" may be idolatry.
Apart from the Bible, his "humility" may be fear.
Apart from the Bible, his "gentle care" may be foolish neglect.
Apart from the Bible, his "love of God" may be a whitewashed tomb.
Apart from the Bible, his "gospel" may be accursed.

Lord, make me a pastor of your Word, who defines all that I am and believe and do by the Scriptures, given to us from above. Apart from this, I am worse than nothing. With this, we speak as those entrusted with the oracles of God.