Have your kids every gotten jealous at someone else's birthday
party? Mine have. Little brother is opening his present and the older
sibling desperately wants to have a present too. The birthday girl gets
lots of attention today, but its our turn to simply wait and be happy
for her. For some reason I always feel disappointed in my kids when
they aren't excited about a celebration for someone else.
actually the way I am most of the time during the Christmas season. I
think about presents and decorations and Christmas movies and Christmas
treats--mostly in terms of how much I enjoy them for myself. Nothing
against any of these joyfully anticipated Christmas traditions--I'm
looking forward to them again this year! However, last night I was
talking to my son and felt the urge to tell him that Christmas is
really big birthday party for Jesus. Even as I said the words I realized how much I needed them as well.
We should enjoy all the
celebration--the gift giving and songs and feasting--just like we do at a
regular birthday party. But we enjoy it with him at the center of our
attention. Its his birthday we're celebrating---the birth of God in
human form. Heaven on earth. The Messiah condescending to save.
It's your birthday Lord Jesus. We'll be feasting and singing and giving and receiving in your honor.