Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Inheritance Day

You have been given an infinite inheritance in Christ, if you belong to him.  In our world, such an inheritance would mean that all of your financial needs are met, that you will never lack for any physical need in your life, that you will have power to accomplish your heart's desire. Of course, our full inheritance awaits the return of Jesus, and our entrance into heaven.  The heavenly inheritance means all this infinite provision and more--it means personal and unrestricted relationship with the infinite God. 

Your needs and wants today will ultimately find fulfillment in perfect, holy enjoyment of the inheritance of permanent relationship with the God of all glory and joy.  God will be the sun that shines away all of your gloom and the treasure that meets all of your needs. He will be the rock beneath your feet that will never shake and the fountain of water that keeps you in perfect health and refreshes your soul.  God will be all if all to you and your inheritance will never diminish, never fade, never be traded away, never be in danger.  The coming of Jesus will be our full inheritance day.  Let us live today in light of that day--letting all of our worries and anxieties fade in the light of his certain return--the Day of days, when the glory of eternity will shine into our hearts forever.